Not in Spite of, but Because of Faith with Rev. Michael Coren

The Cupboard had intended to take a break over the summer to plan and prepare for season 4 in the fall, but some topics and stories are too timely to ignore. The recent decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade by the United States Supreme Court compelled us pause and discuss what it means to us. For this bonus summer episode, we’re pleased to welcome Rev. Michael Coren, an Anglican priest, author and columnist for numerous publications.

Once a prominent voice for conservative media and a strong opponent of marriage equality, Michael now advocates for abortion rights, marriage equality and LGBTQIA+ rights.

As we discussed with Michael in this episode, his change in stance did not happen in spite of his faith but because of his faith. In his most recent books and our conversation with him, he describes his journey, thought processes and scriptural study that moved him to where he is today.

Article we discussed in this episode:
"Does Christianity condemn abortion? That's not what the Bible says" - The Globe and Mail - June 29, 2022

Michael’s most recent books:
The Rebel Christ
Epiphany: A Christians Change in Heart & Mind Over Same-Sex Marriage

Tasting Notes:
We enjoyed some delicious blackcurrant cider from Naramata Cider Co. situated on the Naramata Bench in the Okanagan.


The Growing Season


Replay: The Power Worshippers with Katherine Stewart