Replay: The Power Worshippers with Katherine Stewart

Two years ago Rector's Cupboard interviewed Katherine Stewart, an author and leading voice on the “Christian Nationalist” movement in the United States. At the time, we spoke about her book "The Power Worshippers".

This week, Stewart had an article in the New York Times that discussed the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. This week we're re-releasing that episode, as the conversation is as relevant now as it was then.

Christians should be speaking against Christian Nationalism. It is not speaking against Christianity. It is not speaking against Jesus. It is speaking against a political movement that has become idolatry. 

Books and articles referenced in this episode:

The Power Worshippers
The Good News Club
How a Data-backed Christian Nationalist Machine Helped Trump to Power - The Guardian, March 2020
Bill Barr Thinks America is Going to Hell - The New York Times, December 2019
Why Trump Reigns as King Cyrus - The New York Times, December 2018   


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